
বৃহস্পতিবার, ৪ জানুয়ারী, ২০২৪

Define Grievance. What can be the causes of Grievances?

Define Grievance. What can be the causes of Grievances?

Answer: Grievance refers to the employee's dissatisfaction with company's work policy and conditions because of an alleged violation of law. They may or may not be justified and usually represent the gap between what the employee expects and gets from the company. Grievance has to be properly addressed because it lowers the motivation and performance of the employee and affects the work environment. There could be various causes for employees to register grievances: Economic: This usually concerns employee wages when they feel like they are being paid less than others in the same band or grade, or when they receive inaccurate salary, delayed payment of bonuses, arrears, hikes etc.

Work Environment: Sometimes, physical work conditions like too much heat or cold, cramped or limited work space, low lighting, bad quality equipment, faulty appliances are valid causes of it. Supervisory: Biased performance rating, berating, subtle insulting, harassment of any sort, all constitute supervision related grievances.

Employee Relations: When colleagues who work together don’t gel well, have issues working together on a project, get into too many conflicts etc. they can be a big cause of grievance.

Organizational Change: Sometimes, when there are policy changes or actual shifting of workplaces, employees may find themselves unaligned to the changes and that can be a cause of grievance too.

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