রবিবার, ১৮ মার্চ, ২০১৮

How to write flat sharing agreement


This Deed of Flat Sharing Agreement is made on this the -------- of March, -----------


--------------(Name of Company), Registered ---------(Address) ” which expression shall, unless excluded by or repugnant to the context, include its heirs, executors, successors, legal representatives, appointees and assigns) of the FIRST PARTY.


-----------(Name of Company), -----------------(Address)” which expression context, include its heirs, executors, successors, legal representatives, appointees and assigns) of the SECOND PARTY.

WHEREAS THE HEAD TENANT in a Residential Tenant for the purpose of ‘Official -----(room, office, Corporate office, Head office) House’ of ‘Name of Building/Appartment’, House No. ---, Road ---. (Address)

AND WHEREAS the HEAD TENANT has agreed to let the FLATMATE and the FLATMATE has agreed to Share the DEMISED PREMISES as (‘Room/Head office/corporate office/rest house, gest house etc.), on a monthly/yearly, rental basis. The DEMISED PREMISES being 01 (one)/2 year/--- Full Furnished Apartments consisting of rooms and bathrooms complete with all fittings fixtures of Water Supply, Sanitary Installations, Electric, Telephone Cables, Satellite TV Cables and Gas Appurtenances attachment, Car Parking Space and things with right to use entrance for the period of 11 (eleven) months/--- till ---(date) commencing from ----(date) as on the Terms and Conditions herein set below:

1.       The Shared House Rent is BDT/US $ ------ only per month/year and is to be paid monthly in advance by the FLATMATE/--- to THE HEAD TENANT.

2.       The FLATMATE shall not use the premises for any purpose other than the purpose for which this agreement is being made and any other use shall be permissible only with written consent of The HEAD TENANT but may use the same for affiliated/associated companies under ownership of the FLATMATE.

3.       The FLATMATE can assign the right to use to its heirs, executors, successors, legal representatives, appointees and assigns in the Guest House/Flat.

4.       The FLATMATE shall ensure that the Demised Premises shall be used for Residential Purpose only and shall not engage any commercial, political, anti-social or subversive activities inside the premises.

5.       If THE HEAD TENANT receives any notice from the landlord, THE HEAD TENANT will give a copy of the notice to the FLATMATE immediately.

6.       This Sharing Agreement can be terminated by 30 (thirty) days’/----- notice given by either party in writing.

7.       The FLATMATE shall not keep any Caretaker or any other staff for maintenance of the Guest House without the HEAD TENANT’s permission.

8.       The FLATMATE must pay 35 (thirty Five) percent /------ of the cost of Utility Charges (i.e. Guest House Caretaker, Electricity Bills, Gas Bills, Water Bills, Telephone Bills, Apartment Service Charges etc.) to the HEAD TENANT each month or as the bills are received.

9.       The FLATMATE must not remove any chattels or fixtures from the premises that do not belong to the FLATMATE.

10.    The FLATMATE must bear the necessary expenses at the rate of 35 (thirty Five) percent / ---- incurred for any maintenance purpose of the Guest House.

11.    The HEAD TENANT must provide Receipts to the FLATMATE against all payments.

12.    The FLATMATE must share the changed payments (i.e. House Rent, Service Charges etc.) from time to time if the land lord reviews the payment structure with the HEAD TENANT.

13.    In the event of any dispute, the both parties agree that the dispute will be determined and resolved by the both parties mutually.

14.    If the above Terms and Conditions are violated by the either party, the Agreement shall be cancelled immediately.

IN WITNESS HEREOF the parties above mentioned have set their hand here to on the Day, Month and Year first above mentioned.

Signed for and on behalf of,                                                   Signed for and on behalf of,
------------------------------------------                                            -----------------------------------------
[The Tenant/Lessee]                                                                  [The Flat Owner/Lesser]

Signature _________________________                          Signature ________________________                                       
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----------------------------                                                             --------------------------------


Signature _________________________                          Signature ________________________
-------------------------------------                                         -------------------------------------

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