মঙ্গলবার, ১১ অক্টোবর, ২০২২

Nikah Nama in English ( Form Word & Pdf)

A Nikah Nama is a marriage contract between the Muslim community executed in accordance with

Section 9 of the Muslim Marriage and Divorce (Registration) Act, 1974, signed and consented to by both the bride and the groom, and safeguarding the separate responsibilities, duties and rights of the bride and groom, is done.

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Bangladesh From No.1601



























Form of NIKAH NAMA as prescribed under section 9 of the Muslim

Marriages and Divorces (Registration) Act 1974 (LII of 1974).

1.      Name of the ward.............................................Town/Union..........................................................Tahsil  Thana....................................................... and District......................................................... in which the marriage took place.  

2.      Name of the Groom and his father’s name with their respective residence:



3.      Age of the groom/ Date of birth: ......................................................................................................

4.      Name of the bride and her father’s name with their respective residence:



5.      Whether the bride is a maiden, a widow or a divorcee: ....................................................................

6.      Age of the bride..............................................................................................................................

7.      Name of the Wakil, if appointed by the bride, his father’s name and his residence:



8.      The names of the witnesses to the appointment of the bride’s Wakil with their father’s names, their residences and their relationship with bride:

(I) .................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................

(II) .................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................

9.      Name of the Wakil, if any, appointed by the bridegroom, his father’s name and his residence:



10.  The Names of the witnesses to the appointment of the bridegroom’s Wakil with their father’s name and their residence:                              

(I)                 ................................................................................................................................................        


(II)  .............................................................................................................................................................


11.  Names of the witnesses to the marriage, their father’s names and their residences:  :

(I)                 ................................................................................................................................................        


(II)  .............................................................................................................................................................


12.  Date on which the marriage was contracted (Marriage date) ............................................................

13.  Amount of dower : ...........................................................................................................................

14.  How much of the dower is mujjal (Prompt) and how much mu wajjal (deferred)?




15.  Whether any portion of the dower was paid at the time of marriage. If so, how much?


16.  Whether any property was given in lieu of the whole or any portion of the dower, with specification of the same and its valuation agreed to between the parties:


17.  Special condition, if any:



18.  Whether the husband has delegated the power of divorce to the wife. If so, under what conditions?

........................................................................................................................................................ .......................................................................................................................................................


19.  Whether the husband’s right of divorce is in anyway curtailed?  


20.  Whether any document was drawn up at the time of marriage relating to dower, maintenance, etc. If so, contents there of in brief ....................................................................................................................



21.  Whether the bridegroom has any existing wife and, if so, whether he has secured the permission of the Arbitration Council under the Muslim Family Laws Ordinance 1961 to contract another marriage,         




22.   Number and date of the communication conveying to the bridegroom the permission of the Arbitration Council to contract another marriage                                                             



23.  Name and address of the person by whom the marriage was solemnized and his father:



24.   Date of registration of marriage: ...................................................................................................

25.   Registration fee paid ....................................................................................................................






Signature of the groom or his Wakil


Signature of the witness to the appointment

of groom’s Wakil


 Signature of the bride


Sign of the Wakil of the bride






Signature of the witness to the

appointment of  the bride’s wakil

Signature of the witnesses to the marriage








(I) ..............................


Signature and seal of the Nikah Registrar


Signature of the person who Solemnized the marriage






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