
শুক্রবার, ১ জুলাই, ২০২২

Banking as a carrer

"Banking as a career " . 
Banking as a Career Counting other's money , keeping its record , en - cashing cheques and drafts cannot be an interesting work , someone may say cynically . 

There cannot be personal involvement and originality in doing such a work , others may think . They may consider bank employees to be computers , adding and subtracting all the time . But this is decidely a better career . Bank employees develop the habit of saving something for their difficult times . When they find that the bank balances of petty shop - keepers are swelling up , they feel the urge to save some amount of money . This implies that they start spending with extra - caution . They try to get the maximum return from every penny they spend . inayo They develop social contacts with a number of businessmen . Some may say that all the public dealing organizations widen the social circle . But in other offices you may have favor them by doing some work which may be illegal . In the case banks if a cheque is cleared as soon it is received the person is quite satisfied . These contacts help in a number of ways . By working in a bank one becomes quite cautious and scientific in doing one's work . The scientist's accuracy needed for marking entries become the bent of one's mind . Accurate working qualifies a person for a better life . It is the slipshod work and haphazard approach that become hurdless in one's progress . Label P In banks the work is almost independent . Even officers have not to interfare in the work of their subordinates . That is why there is not much of bossism in banks . The atmosphere quite cordial and it becomes homely as soon as the public dealings come to an end . Above all a career in the banks is quite promising . As compared with other departments a person can have quicker promotion in the banks . Banks make us materialistic in outlook , which may be denounced by the spiritualists and other's but which is a fact of the modern life . One can find thrill even in the most dull and uninteresting work . If Galileo can be thrilled by looking at the stars why not a bank employee by finding a mistake in the entries . Life yield charm if we respond to it favourably . 

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