বৃহস্পতিবার, ২ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০২৩

Acronyms, Abbreviations and Initials

ADP stand for Automatic Data Processing.

Alt stand for  Alternative.

ASEAN stand for  Association of South-East Asian Nations.

AVE stand for Average.

Avg stand for Average.

BIWTA stand for Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority.

BIWTC  stand for Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Corporation.

BM stand for Bench Mark.

BTTB stand for  Bangladesh Telegraph and Telephone Board.

BWDB stand for  Bangladesh Water Development Board.

CAAB  stand for Civil Aviation Authority Bangladesh.

C/C stand for Container Crane.

CFS stand for Container Freight Station.

CIS stand for Container Inspection Shed.

CPA stand for Chittagong Port Authority.

CT stand for Container Terminal.

CTA  stand for Container Terminal Altenwerder.

CY stand for Container Yard.

DGPS  stand for Differential Global Positioning System.

DSCR stand for  Debt Service Coverage Ratio.

D.W.T. stand for Dead Weight Ton.

ECA stand for Export Credit Agency.

ECT stand for Europe Container Terminal.

EPZ stand for  Export Processing Zone.

EU stand for European Union.

FAP stand for Flood Action Plan.

FCFE stand for Free Cash Flow to Equity investor.

FCL stand for Full Container Load.

FDI stand for Foreign Direct Investment.

F/L stand for Fork Lift.

F/S  stand for Feasibility Study.

FY stand for Fiscal Year.

GA3P stand for Gamma 3 Parameter.

GDP  stand for stand for Gross Domestic Products.

GEV1 stand for Generalized Extreme Value Type 1.

GECH stand for Generalized Extreme Value Type 1.

G.L stand for Ground Level.

GNI stand for Gross National Income.

GPS stand for Global Positioning System.

ICT stand for  Inland Container Terminal.

IDC stand for Interest During Construction.

IFC stand for International Finance Corporation.

IPP stand for  Independent Power Provider.

IRR stand for Internal Rate of Return.

IWAI stand for IWAI Distribution.

LN2P stand for Log Normal 2 Parameter.

LN3P stand for  Log Normal 3 Parameter.

LOI stand for Letter of Intent.

LP3P stand for  Log Pearson 3 Parameter.

LPI  stand for  Logistics Performance Index.

Min stand for Minimum.

NORM stand for Normal Distribution.

P.C stand for  Pre-stressed Concrete.

P.C PILE stand for Pre-stressed Concrete Pile.

PGCB stand for  Power Grid Company of Bangladesh.

PIANC stand for  Permanent International Association of Navigation Congresses.

PPP stand for Public Private Partnership.

PSA stand for Port of Singapore Authority.

R/C stand for Road Chassis.

R.C stand for  Reinforced Concrete.

R.H.W.L stand for   River Height Water Level.

R.L.W.L stand for  River Lowest Water Level.

RMGC stand for Rail Mounted Gantry Crane.

R.M.S.L stand for River Means Water Level.

ROE stand for Return on Equity.

R/S stand for  Reach Stacker.

R/T stand for  Road Tractor.

RTGC stand for Rubber Tired Gantry Crane.


SAARC stand for  South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation.

STOL stand for Short Take-off and Landing.

SWOT stand for Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat.

T/C stand for Transfer Crane.

TEU stand for Twenty-Foot Equivalent Units.

TGS stand for Twenty Ground Slot.

T/H stand for Top Handler.

TP  stand for Turning Point.


US stand for  United States.

USD stand for US Dollar.

WACC stand for Weighted Average Cost of Capital.

Y/C stand for  Yard Chassis.

Y/T stand for Yard Tractor.

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