
রবিবার, ১৫ জানুয়ারী, ২০২৩

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)- Sotterchaya

Environmental Impact Assessment: Environmental impacts assessment was carried out considering present

environmental setting of the project area, and nature and extent of the proposed activities. Proposed project involves development of EZ for upcoming Project. Potential environmental impacts associated with EZ are classified as: (i) impacts during design and construction phase and ii) impacts during operation phase/Post-construction phase. Sensitive environmental and social components were identified during the site visits and qualitative and quantitative techniques have been applied for direct and indirect assessment of impacts on the identified environmental and social sensitive components. Impacts are classified as being insignificant, minor, moderate and major.

Some of the important impacts associated with the proposed EZ will be associated with land use (diversion of land use), land stability (soil erosion), soil compaction and contamination, water availability, water quality of river, ground water contamination, waste and wastewater disposal, ambient air quality, ambient noise levels, vegetation, fauna (terrestrial and aquatic), drainage pattern, hydrology, socio economic, places of social/cultural importance (religious structures, community structure), construction material sourcing and occupational health and safety. Adequate mitigation measures are devised to mitigate/minimize all likely environmental impacts and the same have been presented along with the impacts.

During the field study, consultations were also held within study area including local government officials, elites, NGOs etc. Outcome of these consultations were used in impact assessment and devising mitigation measures.

An environmental impact is divided into a short-term impact (construction phase) and a long- term impact (operational phase).The reduction method has been proposed against the items that may cause the negative impact. Basing on the short-term and long-term impact, and taking into environment related law of Bangladesh, the Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) is prepared which had been approved by Department of Environment (DOE). The Environment Impact Assessment report is given at below:

Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh

Department  of Environment

Head Office, Paribesh Bhaban

E-16 Agargaon, Dhaka-1207 www.doe.gov.bd

Memo No : DoE/22.02.6800.139.72…../H…..           Date:2 /04/2020

Subject: Approval of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report for Proposed XYZ Economic Zone Ltd. Project at Goshairhat, district, Shariatpur

Ref: Your Application dated 06/03/2020

With reference to the above, the Department of Environment (DOE) is pleased to approve Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report for XYZ Economic Zone Ltd. Project at Goshairhat, Shariatpur district. This approval authorizes and regulates the following activities:

1. This Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report is approved only for construction of XYZ  Economic Zone Project. Any expansion or extension of this project will require obtaining further EIA approval with additional EIA Study. The detail design and layout plan should be maintained as per EIA report. In case of any changes in design the proponent must obtain consent from DoE.

2. Project Proponent may undertake activities for land development and infrastructural development of the project.

3. Project Proponent may open L/C (Letter of Credit) for importing machineries for the project which shall also include machineries relating to waste treatment plant and other pollution control devices.

4. The activity under construction of XYZ  Economic Zone Project shall not release any pollutant that affect human health or will have damaging impact on the environment or natural resources or ecosystem.

5. Proper and adequate mitigation measures shall be ensured throughout preparation and construction period of the proposed XYZ  Zone Project activities.

6. Any heritage sight, ecologically critical area, wetlands and other environmentally, religious and archaeologically sensitive places shall be kept protected.

7. Environment friendly construction and development practices shall be followed that minimize loss of habitats and fish breeding, feeding & nursery sites.

8. Construction works shall be restricted to day time hours so as to avoid/mitigate the disturbance of local lives as well as implementation schedules of the works shall be notified in advance to nearby residents.

9. Proper and adequate sanitation facilities shall be ensured in labor camps throughout the proposed project period.

10. In order to control noise pollution, vehicles & equipment shall undergo regular maintenance; working during sensitive hours and locating machinery close to sensitive receptor shall be avoided.

11. No solid waste can be burnt in the project or An environment friendly solid waste management system should be in place during the whole period of the project in the field.

12. Proper and adequate on-site precautionary measures and safety measures shall be ensured so ’that no habitat of any flora and fauna would be endangered or destructed.

13. All the required mitigation measures suggested in the EIA report along with the emergency response plan are to be strictly implemented and kept operative/functioning on a continuous basis.

14. To control dust, spraying of water over the earthen materials should be carried out from time to time

15. Storage area for soils and other construction materials shall be carefully selected to avoid disturbance of the natural drainage.

16. Adequate considerations should be given to facilitate drainage system for run off water from rain/tidal surge.

17. Adequate facilities should be ensured for silt trap to avoid clogging of drain/ canal/water bodies.

18. There should be adequate and properly designed Central Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP) and Sewage Treatment Plant (STP).

19. Resettlement plan should be properly implemented and people should be adequately compensated.

20. Construction material should be properly disposed off after the construction work is over.

21. As described in the EIA report, environmental monitoring should be strictly followed and monitoring report should be shared with DOE to ensure the environmental management properly.


22. All activities (pre-construction, construction and post-construction stage) should be implemented according to EMP clearly listed in the EIA report.

23. A third party/independent monitoring bodies excluding project authority should be engaged immediately for monitoring of all the activities during pre construction, construction and post construction phases as per monitoring plan of EIA report and monitoring report must be submitted to Shariatpur District Office, Shariatpur and Headquarter of the Department of Environment simultaneously.

24. Regular monitoring of the susceptible places of surroundings for protecting ecosystem, biodiversity and forest coverage should be made using latest high keeping ambient environment protected

25. Air, water, soil, biological and social data should be monitored regularly with a network monitoring system with a view to assess the natural quality of the surroundings and other fragile ecosystem and report of monitoring results should be submitted to Shariatpur District Office, Shariatpur and Headquarters of the Department of Environment simultaneously.

26. There should be regularly disclosure of the report through workshops and websites and responses should be taken care accordingly.

27. Online air and water quality monitoring system should be made functional throughout the life of the project.

28. Management Information System (MIS) are to be developed for this project. The scope of MIS services will obviously include representing the real time monitored data especially environmental parameters displaying at Shariatpur District Office, Shariatpur and Headquarters of the Department of Environment, project office and other agencies/Ministries concerned. The MIS should be web based for accessing every individual to show the real time monitored records.

29. The project authority should provide all sort of logistics support DOE and other relevant agencies for monitoring environment related items/events

30 Conduct stakeholder meetings on regular basis for better performance the project as a whole

31. Additional environmental baseline data to be collected as suggested in the EIA report and conveyed to DOE and other authorities concerned.

32. The Environmental Management Plan under the EIA study shall strictly be implemented and kept functioning on a continuous basis.

33. The project authority shall submit a detail work plan with time schedule of development activities at least 7 (seven) days ahead of the work commences in the field to the Shariatpur District Office, Shariatpur and Headquarter of the Department of Environment simultaneously.

34. Environmental Monitoring Reports according to specific format specified in the EIA Report shall be made available simultaneously to DOE  Shariatpur District Office, Shariatpur and Headquarter on a quarterly basis during the construction period of the project.

35. The following records must be kept in respect of any samples required to be collected for the purposes of environmental monitoring activities :

a. the date(s) on which the sample was taken;

b. the time(s) at which the sample was collected;

c. the point at which the sample was taken; and

d. the name of the person who collected the sample.

36. The results of any monitoring required to be conducted under this EIA report must be recorded.

In case of any emergency, the following information shall immediately be reported to Shariatpur District Office,  Shariatpur and Headquarter of the Department of Environment (DOE) simultaneously.

a. Nature of incident (fire, accident, collision, land slide etc.)

b. Personnel affected (injured, missing, fatalities, etc.)

c. Emergency support available and its location (standby transport, medical facilities, etc.)

d. Weather conditions

e. Current operations (abandoning the site, fire fighting, etc.)

37. The project authority or its employees must notify the Department of Environment of incidents causing or threatening material harm to the environment as soon as practicable after the person becomes aware of the incident.

38. All pollution incidents shall be reported immediately and simultaneously to the Shariatpur District Office, Shariatpur Office and Headquarter of the Department of Environment (DOE) in Dhaka.

39. Appropriate permission would require to be obtained from the Forest Department in favor of cutting/felling of any plant/tree/sapling forested by any individual or government before doing such type of activity.

40. No activity of cutting/razing/ dressing of hill or hilly land is endorsed under this approval without due permission/clearance of the concerned authority of the Government of Bangladesh 

41. Re-vegetation and replantation under green belt activities shall be undertaken in consultation with the Forest Department according to those mentioned in the EIA report.

42. Climate Change impacts and maximum storm surge height (if necessary) shall have to be considered at the design and construction phase.

43.  A separate hydrological study shall have to be conducted for ground water extraction to develop sound environmental management plan.


44. A full-fledged institutional setup for Environment, Health & Safety (EHS) and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) must be put in place before operation of the project.

45. The project authority shall extend active cooperation to DOE officials to facilitate their visit to the site as and when necessary.

46. Violation of any of the above conditions shall render this approval void.

47. Any injunction on this project from the Honourable High Court Division or Appellate Division of the Supreme Court shall render this approval void.

48. Without installation of Central Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP), Sewage Treatment Plant (STP), online air and water quality monitoring system and other pollution control equipment and obtaining Environmental Clearance Certificate the proponent shall not start operation of the project.

49. This EIA approval is valid for one year from the date of issuance and the project authority  shall apply for renewal to the Shariatpur District Office of DOE at Shariatpur with a copy to the Head Office of DOE in Dhaka.

This EIA approval has been issued with the approval of the appropriate authority.

 (Syed ………)

Director (Environmental Clearance) Phone # 02-81816


Managing Director

XZY Economic Zone Ltd.

Gosairhat, Shariatpur


Copy Forwarded  to :


1. PS to the Secretary, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka.

2. Director, Department of Environment, Dhaka Regional Office, Dhaka.

3. Deputy Director, Department of Environment, Shariatpur District Office, Shariatpur

4. Assistant Director, Office of the Director General, Department of Environment, Head Office, Dhaka.

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