
মঙ্গলবার, ৩১ জানুয়ারী, ২০২৩

What needs to be done for talent development and skill development

Bangladesh is about to turn 54, and its economy has already expanded greatly in industrial and industrial enterprises. Bangladesh is

a new country with population weight moving from agriculture and trading dependence to manufacturing industries. Because of that, the inevitability of turning the working people of this country into skilled human resources has arrived at the right time. Because since 2005, a large part of the population of Bangladesh has come under the working population, which is known as the demographic dividend. According to traditional terms, the demographic dividend is essentially a 3-decade creative and developmental convergence journey. More than a decade has already passed, with another decade and a half to go. During this period, if the existing workers cannot be engaged in productive work or if they cannot be skilled in their work, redundant work, and create an environment, they can become a demographic disaster in laziness (as the devil's workshop), inferiority, despair. Because if the number of educated unemployed increases in the society, they themselves can become a burden or a danger or a cause of loss for themselves, their families and the country. And it will take a lot of time for the nation to overcome the impact of that loss and the future generations will have to pay a special price.

In the last 54 years, the existing education system of Bangladesh has not been able to develop the people of this country, especially the youth, into an effective public resource or a trained manpower. For which unskilled workers are going abroad from this country and skilled manpower from abroad are being engaged in middle and higher positions of this country with higher salary. Bangladesh has increased the number of highly educated graduates with university degrees; But they are not found employable in the emerging industries of the country, in public and private institutions. Among the limitations in Bangladeshi public resources are—

1. Lack of practical language and knowledge to present oneself as a craftsman in the manufacturing or service sector.
2. Skepticism, shyness and inability to use creative and innovative energy.
3. Lack of required work skills or effective knowledge as applicable.
4. Lack of passion, dedication and skill in creating or finding suitable markets.
5. Lack of skills, interest and initiative in marketing.
6. Incompetent in intelligent management.
7. Lack of dedication in managing buying and selling.
8. Lack of wisdom to analyze and resolve subtle and complex issues.
9. Weaknesses in the use of appropriate technology and practical management.
10. Lack of dedication to sustain the initiative and initiative.

Various reviews have revealed that Bangladeshi young entrepreneurs and managers have weak leadership skills, low practical knowledge, lack of interest in training and further education, and lack or lack of creative sponsorship. For Bangladesh to survive in the emerging world market or move forward with more qualifications, the need for skilled manpower in the application and coordination of sustainable and flexible technology is immense. It also requires organizational skills. Against this need, the quality of primary and secondary education in Bangladesh is declining and the lack of adequate and adequate manpower to meet the new challenges faced in various extension activities has become evident.

Since the beginning of this millennium, especially since the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals started, many initiatives have been taken to create skilled manpower or human resources in Bangladesh. Although several organizations, projects, public-private initiatives have already been adopted with the advice and funding of donor organizations, the fact that visible skilled manpower has not been developed in the past decade and a half is evident from the statistics related to job creation in Bangladesh, sending skilled manpower abroad and employment of foreigners in this country. In the past decade and a half, it has been seen that upper and middle level managers, consultants, organizations and workers from neighboring countries have come and engaged in various financial and industrial institutions including garments in Bangladesh, as a result of which a large amount of foreign currency is being repatriated abroad. On the other hand, the level of sending unskilled workers abroad instead of skilled workers from Bangladesh has increased. Although in this one and a half decade the country has seen the emergence of a large number of highly educated people who have passed exams or entered the labor market, they have not been recruited with sufficient and effective knowledge to meet the challenges of the emerging market, on the pretext that they are more agile, agile, and practical than their peers in neighboring countries. is behind completion.

Thus, the unskilled and semi-educated population is becoming permanently unemployed as they reach their working age year by year. In Bangladesh, where the potential of industry, trade and investment has already been created, suitable local manpower cannot be provided; But they are being filled by foreigners. Bangladesh garment industry is a highly potential labor intensive industry. Most of the mid-level managers, directors, and designers are foreigners. Arguably, there is an unspoken threat of losing our market if garment buyers sit in neighboring countries (who compete with our garment industry) and do not hire people from that country. As a result, there is a tension in the local educated unemployed to demand employment and the educated youth in Bangladesh are plunged into despair without getting a job. At some point, as general education continues to prevail over technical education in the country, the situation of supply of skilled manpower is going to such an unnatural level that in the long run it may create a tragic and suicidal situation. Fears are emerging that the demographic dividend may turn into a demographic disaster.

Getting out of this existing situation and moving to a better level in the development of public resources is not only necessary but also inevitable. Even if attention is paid to the development of the education system at the primary and secondary level now, the skilled manpower will not be met before the next 15 years. Until then, the currently existing unemployed and unskilled educated population will be pressed like a rock for up and down. If the employment of foreigners in the management and supervision level is continued or kept, the country's job market will plunge into more darkness for the natives. Taking short and long term measures to effectively get rid of this situation has become inevitable. In order to create a self-reliant situation, the following steps can be taken in our own thoughts or initiatives to create a self-reliant situation through cheeky words, domestic foreign consultants and foreign aided projects.

Temporary/Short Term/Immediate:

1. To ensure recruitment or assimilation of the country's manpower in the country. A competitive environment and demand should be created in the recruitment of natives, avoiding hiring them under the pressure of foreign buyers, or on the logic of the smartness of foreign employees. If we do not make efforts to recruit our own manpower or create posts, then the demand and supply situation of the natives will not improve. A competitive situation should be created within the country.

2. Professional and industrial groups can set up specialized education and training institutes to create manpower according to their needs. Already some organizations including BGMEA are setting up their own universities and institutes. But the implementation of all of them is very slow and in many cases the work of creating skilled manpower has not started yet, even if it has started, the results are late to get quality results. Remember that time does not sit still for anyone 3. For those who are studying in schools, colleges and universities, language and technical knowledge, development of their creativity without leaving them in the traditional form, apart from regular studies, separate measures can be taken to acquire skills in language practice and use under special management. Otherwise, existing students will enter the labor market in a traditional unskilled state.

4. Special activities/initiatives should be taken by setting up separate funds for the purpose of sending skilled workers abroad by dispatch of unskilled workers and for creating skilled manpower in the country. Special steps should be taken to ensure quality teaching in all existing vocational education institutions by strictly monitoring what is actually being taught.

5. It is possible to earn more foreign exchange if you send skilled manpower instead of unskilled. If skilled manpower is available in the country, employment of foreigners will be stopped and huge foreign exchange expenditure will be saved. Government should take into account this profit and loss equation in resource management, focus on vocational education rather than general education and ensure strict monitoring of quality of education and training. It would be reasonable to give tax concessions or incentives to facilitate the training programs that various training institutes or institutions undertake.

Medium term:

6. Integrating general education as well as special applied knowledge curricular activities into teaching programs of colleges and universities.

7. Efforts to send skilled workers abroad. In case of despatch of unskilled workers, it should be observed that their despatch cost should be limited. Because unskilled workers do not get paid much abroad but if it costs them a lot of money to go then the economy will not really benefit from their repatriation.

long term

9. Keeping the general education up to the primary and secondary levels—— to direct most of the students towards general education and applied or vocational technical education at the postgraduate level. Only those with high merit and willing to research can go to higher education level. Gradual discouragement of general education at university level.

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