
সোমবার, ১৯ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০২২

Emergency Response and Disaster management Plan at Industrial Site

Emergency Response : The initial response to an incident is a critical step in the overall emergency response. Like all other Industries and installations, Container Terminal facilities must have adequate measures against accidents or incidents to meet the emergency. The purpose of having an Emergency Response Plan (ERP) is to:

Assist personnel in determining the appropriate response to emergencies. Provide personnel with established procedures and guidelines. Notify the appropriate Company Emergency Response Team personnel and regulatory/ Govt. agencies. Manage public and media relations. Notify the next-to-kin of accident victims. Promote inter-departmental Communications to ensure a ―Company wide‖ Co-ordinated emergency response. Minimize the effects that disruptive events can have on company operations by reducing recovery times and costs. Respond to immediate requirements to safeguard the subtending environment and community.

 Generally, the initial response is guided by three priorities Ranked in importance these priorities are:

  • People
  • Property 
  • Environment

Emergency Response Procedures will identify who does what and when in the event of an emergency. Responsibility for who is in charge and their coordination of emergency actions shall be identified. Nature of Emergency & Hazardous Situations may be of any or all of the following categories:


  • Fire,
  • Explosion,
  • Electric shock
  • Medical emergency

 Natural Disasters

  • Storm/ typhoon/ tornado
  • Cloud burst lightning
  • Sudden Tidal Surge and Cyclone
  • Sudden Flooding
  • Earth Quake
  • Fire

 External Factors

  • Food poisoning/water poisoning,
  • Sabotage, and
  • War.

Six Steps in Emergency Response


a) Determine the potential hazards associated with the incident, substance or circumstances and take appropriate action identify the type and qualities of dangerous goods involved and any known associated hazards.

b) Determine potential hazards stemming from local conditions such as inclement weather water bodies etc. and ensure that the initial response team is aware of these conditions.

Step-2 Determine the source/cause of the event resulting to the emergency and prevent further losses.

Step-3 Conduct an assessment of the incident site for any further information on hazards or remedies.

Step-4 Initiate redress procedures.

Step-5 Report the incidence its nature cause impact applied redress procedures and any further assistance required etc. to the appropriate company, government and/or land owner.

Step-6 Take appropriate steps with respect to hazards to wildlife, other resources and addressing public and media concerns and issues, as applicable. Response priorities are to protect human lives, property and the environment.

Reporting Incidents and Accidents: All accidents and near-miss incidents shall be investigated to determine what caused the problem and what action is required to prevent a recurrence. Employees required to perform investigations shall be trained in accident investigation techniques. The incident/accident investigation should be a fact-finding exercise rather than faultfinding. The investigations will focus on collection of evidence to find out the ―root cause‖ of the incident. The recommendations of the investigation report are implemented in phases. 

Approaches to Emergency Response: For this project, emergency response systems should be in place to deal with dangerous goods uncontrolled releases of dust and gaseous emission, natural calamities fires burns and injuries. There are to be trained emergency response teams, specific contingency plans and incidence specific equipment packages in place to cope with these types of emergencies. In case of an emergency incident occur, immediate action must be taken to mitigate the impacts. In order to minimize the possibility of injury to the responders and others it is important that emergency responders follow a specific sequence of actions as stepped out in the preceding paragraphs.

Disaster Management Plan: In normal operation of the project, when all environmental protection equipment works according to design specification, then there would be no environmental problems for the present project site. Disaster (to certain degree) may occur if the environmental protection equipment fails to work at normal condition. This situation may arise for any of the following causes

When Terminal runs at abnormal situation e.g. if emission level increases than its normal level or if the engines give unwanted noise than normal level.

If liquid waste over flows and pollutes the surroundings.

Therefore, appropriate management plan should have to be taken by the project proponent to prevent any unwanted disaster in the project. In this regard, there should be a provision to stop the production immediately during any process failure as discussed above.

The disaster management plan should consist of preventive measures including, among others, the following.

Formulation and strict implementation of safety codes and measures;

Periodic inspection of safety relief valves provided with pressure vessels and equipment; Preventive maintenance;

Aware the workers about electric shock

Declaring the factory a ―no smoking zone‖

Mock drills by the fire fighting cells/ groups

Provision and inspection of firefighting equipment and fire hydrant system in all the sections;

Proper training of the employees about the importance of codes;

Training the employees and the residents of the surrounding villages about the actions to be taken during an accident, disaster etc.


It is imperative to develop entire facility environment policy and display necessary documentation for ease in accessing information. Some of these documents include:

Emergency contacts;

Emergency response procedures for fires

The facilities operations and monitoring are carried out under the management and help from both the employees and relevant government lead agencies. In order to take care of any hazards the following control should be adopted:

 All safety precautions and provisions covering the general cleanliness of the entire facility down to, ventilation, lighting, sanitary, waste collection, smoke detector, heat detector, sand bucket, water bucket, fire blanket, first aid box provision, adequate fire extinguishers and site security by fencing.

Component of Onsite Disaster Management Plan

On site Disaster Management Plan (DMP) is required to meet the emergency condition during disastrous event in the plant. Its objectives are to:

  • Rescue and treat casualties
  • Safeguard other people & Installations
  • Minimize damage
  • Control initially and restore ultimately to normal situation
  • Arrange rehabilitation for the affected people

It is therefore, necessary to develop an onsite disaster management plan through a systematic study of the hazard possibilities. A summary of the plan is given below. The plan will be revised and detailed after the Commissioning of the plant, as then all the units will be in final shape. The exact name and designations of all personnel will be then provided in the plan. Key Persons and

 their Roles Site Controller will

 Ensure that all members of his/her team have been informed to assemble at Emergency Control centre. He/She will then proceed to Emergency Control Center to take charge.

  • Attend to telephone
  • Keep in touch with incident controller
  • Communicate with Assembly Points
  • Meet outside emergency services
  • Ensure proper flow of traffic and security
  • Meet media/ other people coming at site from outside.
  • Arrange for Medical Aid

Incident Controller will

  • Direct all efforts to contain and control the incident.
  • Keep non-essential persons away from the site.
  • Guide outside emergency services at the site.
  • Arrange to remove any casualties at the site.
  • Keep in touch with Emergency Controller.
Security In-Charge will
  • Actuate the Emergency Siren, if not done already.
  • Send one guard to start the fire pump.
  • Attend to incoming telephone.
  • Await instructions from the Emergency Controller

General employees who have not been specified a duty in case of emergency should proceed to/contact the Emergency Assembly Point in their area. Designated persons will carry out the actions detailed in the Individual Plant Emergency Procedure. The Roll Call leader will hold a Roll call. Personnel not at their normal work place must go to the emergency assembly point. Personnel will remain at these points and await instructions from the Site Controller.


এই আর্টিকেলটি যদি আপনাদের সামন্য উপকারে আসে তাহলে মন্তব্যের মাধ্যমে অবশ্যই আমাদের জানাবেন।

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