সোমবার, ১৯ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০২২

Inland Container Operational strategies and planning

The (Name of the Container Terminal) will operate as independent Riverside Inland

Container Terminal (RICT). It will work as an independent port with custom bonding and its policy to operate the terminal completely in unbiased manner without discrimination to anybody. The terminal will be for common use of all users and we will treat all liner operators/ shipping line clients on ―a first come first served‖ basis. River and Terminal operation will comprise of:

a. Loading and discharging of Containerized Cargo of mainline operators‘ (MLOs) vessels as well as of feeder operators‘ vessels directly from ship by either ship‘s own derrick at Dumb Barge or by the Derrick Barges at the outer anchorage or at the mouth place of (… name of the river) River.

b. Carrying containers from (where) to ….Riverside Inland Container Terminal and vice versa by Barges/Tugs and shuttle ships. It may operate all these barges / Tugs/ Shuttle ship throughout sourcing.

c. Loading and discharging of containerized cargo from the Dumb-Barge or from Derrick Barges to the quay side and vice versa.

d. Transportation of Containers from hook - points to stacking yard or from yard to hook - point and vice versa

e. Stacking and un-stacking of full and empty boxes in the container yard with proper and economic selectivity.

f. Receipt and delivery of containers at the Terminal Gate.

g. Receipt of cargo for stuffing into containers for export purpose and unsnuffing from containers of imported goods with due custom formalities.

h. Receipt and delivery of containers to and from the yard.

i. Receiving the bulk & general cargo and also edible oil on demand i.e. provision of multipurpose use.


……….. (Name of the Container Terminal) will operate as a Riverside Inland Container Terminal (RICT) with all modern equipment’s having extreme credibility and international standard'. It also keeps the provision of multipurpose use of the terminal, if so demanded & felt essential. It will have strong and skilled work force with high level experience in the construction and operational implementation of container terminals. There will be a combination of local & global knowledge & strength and expertise of all fields in (…. name of the terminal).. expects to operate the terminal with highest efficiency and to satisfy the customer with highest productivity & full-fill their all requirements. This will be possible due to the high degree of automation using latest technology of all fields like electronic yard, container and ship planning & data inter change. The whole activities of all operation like barges of river, berth, container yard, gate, excess to the terminal-river & road will be brought under the planning of a computer based methodology. Normally yard layout plan of General Cargo Berth is quite different from the yard layout plan of Container Berth .The view of a yard plan of General Cargo Berth will look like the following:

  • The plan will highlight and use the following areas:
  • Adopting a suitable planning mode, operational mode and simulation mode.
  • Establishment of operation control center with associated working practices.
  • Implementation of world class IT system and other productivity enhancement initiatives to complement the aforesaid activities and
  • Intensive development and training of terminal personnel.

Operation control center

All operations of the terminal will be monitored and controlled from a Room or a center having all modem facilities. It will be connected with computers and CCTV system showing real time images of the terminal. There will be a big display screen on the front wall of the control room from where one could see what would be actually happing. This may also be seen in internet under certain security password for excess of designated & identified personnel. The Operational Control Centre (OCC) will be the focal point of all operational activity. This concept will particularly be effective in the development and management of our large facilities with a view to have the maximum efficiency. The relationship between the Operation Control Center (OCC) and other basic functional areas of terminal operations is illustrated in the diagram below.

Operation control centre will aims to bring out the most efficient movement of containers from ship to yard and vice versa and it will use latest I.T and computerized system. CCTV and cameras will be installed at strategic locations around the Terminal. In addition to its security system, those will serve as a visual aid for the operation control center giving close up views of situation on the ground. It will give effective and efficient operation by coupling it with instant communications tools such as two way radios. In the AKCT project, the Operation Monitoring System (OMS) will be used when it will start operation and management of the Terminal. It will be used to monitor and control equipment usages and queues. This intelligent module will forecast and detect problems which are resolved before they even become a problem.

Vessels planning

There will be an efficient vessels/barge/Tug/shuttle ship planning system for efficient operation of the Derrick Barge /Barge calling the terminal for containers/ cargo.

The planning process will be highly automated and will use sophisticated planning system which will be the key feature of planning process. Our Terminal Operation Planning System (TOPS) will provide our berth planners all modem tools to find out & have the most optimal berth positions considering the Mobile Harbour Crane/ Gantry Crane coverage, vessels/barge structure and berth characteristics. 100 TEUs Container Coaster will be like the following It will auto generate discharge and loading sequence and stowage. This information together with estimated departure reports will be passed automatically to the users of the terminal. Operation of loading and discharge will be monitored and synchronized with quay side operation using such tools as Operation Monitoring System (OMS) provides.

 এই আর্টিকেলটি যদি আপনাদের সামন্য উপকারে আসে তাহলে মন্তব্যের মাধ্যমে অবশ্যই আমাদের জানাবেন।


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